Computer and video game development has become a very strong industry. Games such as the best god sandbox game are being developed and enhanced regularly. Skills in the development of digital games and interactive 3D visualizations are in great demand. This is both inside and outside the international games industry.
Computer science skills for creating sandbox games
Students who want to develop skills in creating games can go for formal training. The aim of the training is to obtain the technical skill to develop highly effective, interactive 3D applications. For instance, they can be able to work as a game computer operator in a development studio.
With a general, well-founded computer science education as a basis, the training places a strong focus on dynamic workflows in the development of graphically interactive real-time applications. These include aspects of computer graphics, engine and game console programming. It also includes tool and workflow programming as well as knowledge of the interfaces to design and artwork.
With proper computer science training, you can be able to:
- Systematically analyze complex problems in the field of interactive real-time media. You can be able to develop solutions independently using modern information and communication technologies,
- Have in-depth knowledge of the development of computer games and interactive 3D visualizations. Know and be able to apply current methods in this area,
- Have the ability to evaluate, adapt and further develop current and future technologies in the area of specialization,
- Be able to independently design and implement IT projects. The focus will be on digital and graphically interactive real-time applications
- Have the ability to work independently in the IT professional field.
The well-founded basic training in the field of computer science prepares graduates for the requirements of a continuously changing work environment. In addition, the bachelor’s degree program aims to provide broad-based training within the specialization area. Another aim is to prepare students with the desire for further qualifications. They can use these qualifications to continue their education with a master’s degree in computer science.
The computer and video games industry is becoming more and more popular. This means that people who want to develop digital games can become successful.